Tag: Definitions

  • Crime Prevention and Community Safety Difference

    Crime Prevention and Community Safety Difference

    Crime Prevention and Community Safety Distinctions and Differences; Crime prevention is defined as any action or technique used by individuals or public authorities to reduce the damage caused by acts described to criminals in a state. Crime prevention aims to reduce crime through strategies such as closing doors, hiding money, and rebuilding buildings to ensure they do not break down. Community security is defined as an alliance of social organizations, such as local authorities and community-related social services, such as victims and at-risk groups, as well as efforts to reduce specific crime classes.

    Here are the articles to answer, What are the Differences between Crime Prevention and Community Safety?

    Community security is similar to crime prevention in that it aims to reduce criminal behavior, but community security focuses on smaller, high-crime communities. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, supported by the Crime and Disorder Act (1998), have a collective responsibility between local authorities and the police to work with probation services to implement a strategy to reduce crime and unrest in this area. It is therefore proposed that they work together to devise crime prevention and community safety strategies, such as the Neighborhood Watch (1980), which will result in a secure community. This essay aims to discuss the veracity of this statement through research and evaluation.

    There are various types of crime prevention strategies that have been identified as a combination in the 1980s, including situational and social crime prevention. Situational crime prevention refers to changing situational characteristics to make offending more difficult and it easier to detect the offender. It is associated with primary crime prevention as this refers to strategies on a more general level that involves socialization in families and the community to prevent crime. Also read, What are the Differences between Positivism and Classicism Sociology?

    Differences Part 01;

    These strategies aim to focus on the offense and not the offender, for example, the input of CCTV on buildings to deter offenders from committing crimes as they are aware they are being watched. In contemporary society, the public is constantly under surveillance on the streets of Britain. However, despite there being an excessive amount of CCTV used, there is much debate as to whether crime prevention strategies such as this are successful.

    For example, research into the Kirkholt project in Rochdale showed a range of interventions to prevent burglaries such as the installation of window locks and strengthened doors resulting in repeat victimization reduced by 80% within seven months and further success was shown by burglaries falling by a quarter in three years. However, it can be argued that despite these strategies being implicated, geographical displacement can occur. For example, in Germany steering locks were introduced to all cars to stop car theft and rates fell drastically, however, when this was introduced in Britain it just resulted in the theft being displaced to cars that did not have a steering lock.

    Differences Part 02;

    Therefore this supports the suggestion that crime prevention strategies are not always effective as offenders will find means to commit a crime if they see it possible. However, further research into the installations of improved street lighting in Dudley, showed that crime declined on the estate it was installed on and one nearby that did not have any lighting. This exemplifies the idea that the implications of crime prevention strategies are successful in deterring offenders from committing crimes in and around the area they have been targeting.

    Social crime prevention embodies predisposition assumptions about what causes an individual to commit a crime. This refers to looking at the social factors that are associated with a crime such as poor living conditions, relative deprivation, and low income. Secondary crime prevention is associated with this as it identifies at-risk people due to these factors. This view of crime is said to be what creates offenders in the first place rather than the physical environment and therefore social programs need to be enforced to change offender attitude toward the law.

    Differences Part 03;

    Developmental crime prevention is an important form of social crime prevention as it aims to identify the factors that put young people at the core of crime and try to diffuse these issues. Cognitive-behavioral interventions have been introduced in the UK to encourage young offenders to think of the consequences of their actions. Research has shown that these interventions have been successful in decreasing reconviction rates, however, many offenders did not complete the program.

    This supports the suggestion that it is down to individual choice and perception as to whether they commit a crime or not and so focusing on the individual is vital in social crime prevention. Community crime prevention is also an important form of social crime prevention that involves individuals and institutions in a neighborhood mobilizing resources. Several community schemes in the UK have been successful in preventing crime. Research into the mentoring plus program found that there were significant reductions in offending behavior. Again, this reinforces the idea that establishing these strategies does positively influence crime rates.

    Differences Part 04;

    There are several issues raised with crime prevention strategies, one of which is the fact that situational crime prevention assumes that the solutions and causes of crime are by the community itself and it does not consider social and individual factors that contribute to becoming an offender, such as deprivation and a dysfunctional upbringing. Furthermore, it does not look into a broad range of crime, it only looks at the crime committed in the community and could look into a white-collar crime committed in middle-class areas and workplace crime that often goes undetected, as evident here.

    Community safety moves forward from crime prevention strategies to the involvement of social agencies that seek participation from all sections of the community. The Morgan Report (1990) suggested that ‘crime prevention’ should be replaced with the term ‘community safety’ as crime prevention is narrowly interpreted and with the replacement of this community safety, a broader view is created encouraging participation from all areas of the community. This means that specific agencies are not relied on solely, such as the police. In 1997 the Labour Party emphasized this idea and put it into place with the multi-agency working.

    Differences Part 05;

    Several agencies collaborated such as the education system, local authorities, and social services to ensure the community was a safer place. Crawford (1998) stated that this turn towards community safety created a new hope of a more secure environment to live in. In 1997, research conducted by The Scottish Office into community safety schemes to prevent traffic accidents found that in the areas speed had been dramatically reduced by traffic calming, and the safety of cyclists, children, and pedestrians increased. This suggests that community safety programs are successful, introducing speed calming tactics reduces the risk of accidents preventing harm to people.

    However, there are many issues raised with community safety, for example, the problem of putting in place community-based solutions in deprived areas remains. To do this, funding is required and therefore middle-class areas are more likely to have them due to being of better wealth. Although it is working-class areas where the most crime is committed, solutions are being implemented in the wrong place, thus not being successful in reducing crime where it is needed. This creates a dysfunctional community safety network within working-class areas and therefore crime becomes rife with offenders believing there is no form of control to prevent or try and deter them from committing a crime.

    Short Essay;

    Crime Prevention and Community Safety as areas of scientific interest and practical progress have spread in recent years into a sub-discipline of self-efficacy. It includes his theories, intellectual perspectives, political debates, and moral entrepreneurs, as well as numerous procedures and student texts, “manuals”, magazines, practical toolkits, guides, and resources. The purpose of this chapter is not to give an overview of this rich carpet, nor to present a specific compendium of “what will work in crime prevention practice, but rather to understand the nature and evolution and changes in shaping time and thinking about the path of distant and possible future directions.

    The post outlines how it focuses on developments in the United Kingdom and, where appropriate, is set in a broader international context. We will begin by tracing the historical origins of the modern “preventive turnaround” and its institutionalization. The following sections follow the important development of crime prevention policies and procedures from the 1980s to the present. Our consideration of each content topic suggests three broad phases that organize the path to be achieved.

    The first period, the 1980s and 1990s, marked a time when restrictions became national and care focused on social and political considerations, bringing many changes and developments. The second period from the mid-1990s to the end of the 21st century is the point at which prevention was included as an important management strategy. During these first two phases, crime prevention parameters were opened up to address community security, anti-social behavior, and perceptions of insecurity, through inter-organizational partnerships.

    We continue to say that crime prevention has entered a third phase, represented by a decade of austerity measures, in which the escalation of social problems and the ideological departure from the public supply of services require a further change in political direction. He sees a degree of restraint, reorientation, redrawing of borders, and framing of relations between agencies. Because we are involved right now, our concluding remarks may be more cautious, but they show the direction that we think practice and policy can take in the future and the important role that crime prevention policy has played so far. certain transfer.

    In doing so, we examined the extent to which the “shift in prevention” met previous expectations and we monitored the progress made in specific areas of crime prevention in a given situation; community security; social/progressive crime prevention; and a partnership approach. For each of us, we looked at the path and the problems they had caused. Finally, we present some considerations about emerging fault lines and possible future directions.

    In conclusion;

    It is evident through the research discussed in this essay that crime prevention strategies and community safety collectively work together and without one, the other would not suffice. For example, without the input of crime prevention strategies such as secure locks on doors, it would be easy for a burglary to take place, resulting in an unsafe community. Furthermore, through the research discussed, crime prevention strategies enforced to create a safe community have been proven successful to an extent.

    They both contribute massively to reducing crime rates however, the success of strategies implemented and schemes created are dependent on factors such as geographical location, the social class of the area, and also individual differences that are existent. For example, crime prevention strategies will not prevent an offender from committing a crime if they have a strong psychological motivation to commit the crime they will, despite the chance of being caught. Despite this, they both continue to consistently tackle crime which will aim to create a secure and stable community, resulting in people lacking fear of being a victim of crime.

    What are the Differences between Crime Prevention and Community Safety Image
    What are the Differences between Crime Prevention and Community Safety? Image by Katie White from Pixabay.
  • Write a Title Ideas for Post and Illustration Essay

    Write a Title Ideas for Post and Illustration Essay

    How to Write Perfect Title Ideas for Post and Illustration Essay? When you are asked to select or create your essay title for a piece of work, such as a dissertation or thesis, you may suddenly realize that what might seem like greater freedom is a challenge instead. This is perfectly understandable as most learning is guided. For the majority of your academic life, you will have been given Title Ideas on which to write an essay.

    How to Write the Perfect Post Essay Title Ideas?

    Writing an essay will become a skill that you have acquired over the years by developing a methodology of response. Now you are being asked to ‘fly solo’, so to speak, and you may find yourself with a blank sheet of paper not knowing where to begin. How do you choose a topic or word to create an interesting title? Don’t worry, we’re here to provide some guidelines that can be applied to help you to choose Title Ideas that will be interesting, and appealing, to both you and the reader.

    1. Focus on the type of essay you are writing – Decide on the type of essay you are going to produce. This is important as, for example, a critical essay can be very different from a narrative essay or a research essay.
    2. Next, jot down your ideas related to the main theme of the essay. This allows the ideas you have to help generate a title. In most cases, this will give you strong Title Ideas that engage with your opinions.

    Choosing your Title Ideas for an academic essay or one that requires researching a topic

    Most academic essay titles have an implicit or explicit question. In other words, they will ask you, directly or indirectly, to consider a topic.

    An example of an explicit question in title ideas might be:

    ‘Do you agree that Victorian Literature is reflective of the era in which it is set? Discuss this concerning works by several authors of the time’.

    If the same essay were expressed implicitly it might look something like this:

    ‘Victorian Literature reflects the era in which it is set’: discuss this concerning chosen authors of the era.

    You can see that the basic content of both titles is the same and the same sort of essay will be expected in response to both. However, the direct question gives the writer a good starting point in responding by providing a point to argue “for or against”. It is therefore always worth considering including a question in your essay Title Ideas as the response will take you a long way towards the formulation of your thesis statement. You need to also decide whether or not your title ideas have more than one part to them, as the above do.

    Similarly, if you are intending to focus on a particular aspect of a topic, you need to include this as a keyword in your Title Ideas. You will be very familiar with this process, but again, in reverse. You will be used to finding the keywords to address when writing an essay as identifying these assists you to answer the question correctly. Now you will be using these words yourself to focus your essay and help define the points you want to make. Some frequently used keywords are (but are not limited to):

    • Discuss
    • Compare
    • Analyze
    • Contrast
    • Evaluate
    • Assess

    Questions that include these words explicitly define the type of essay that is to be written, examples might be something like:

    ‘Compare the effectiveness of two different writers on the creation of the welfare state in Britain.’

    ‘Evaluate the contribution made to the study of psychoanalysis by the early work of Sigmund Freud.’

    In both of these questions you can see that the keywords used help you to focus attention very precisely on the particular aspect of the topic you intend to write about, and, as with the inclusion of a question, assist with the formulation of a thesis statement.

    Choosing a title for an essay that doesn’t involve research

    You might likely be asked to write Title Ideas for a descriptive essay, an imaginative piece, or a personal piece. Climate Change Essay for Students in 1100 Words; It is probably true to say that these areas of writing are more likely to involve you in the process of evolving a title, since they are, in a sense, more creative.

    If you are asked to create a title of this sort, try to write a list of your ideas about the topic because these might generate a title for you. This time, however, your focus needs to be very much on capturing the attention of your reader to make them want to read on. Examples of Title Ideas that might apply to each of the above are:

    • Descriptive title – ‘A Paradise on Earth’ (this invites the reader into not only your descriptive piece but also your conception of what constitutes ‘paradise’ and how this differs from the reader’s own)
    • Imaginative title – ‘The World in Fifty Years’ (this again encourages engagement with the reader’s ideas and gives you scope to base your imaginative ideas on things around you)
    • Personal title – ‘The Most Difficult Decision I ever made’ (here you tell the reader a lot about yourself in the title and encourage them to proceed by stimulating interest).

    Remember that the main objective of every essay Title Ideas is to help you to examine a topic of your choice and to engage the reader’s attention sufficiently to make them want to read more!

    How to Write an Illustration Essay Ideas?

    An illustration essay is a variant of the basic essay format. In other words, it follows the format:

    • Introduction (including the ‘thesis statement’)
    • Main body (divided into separate but connected paragraphs)
    • Conclusion (summarising your argument).

    The difference is that in an illustration essay, the evidence is largely provided by the inclusion of examples, or ‘illustrations’, to support your argument; in many ways, it is similar to a narrative essay. Basically, in an illustration essay, you are inviting your reader to picture, via your ‘illustrations’, the argument’s effectiveness.

    How should I begin to write an illustration essay?

    The best way to begin an illustration essay is to study the topic you have been given to address as this will help you to develop a strong thesis statement in response. If you are asked to select your topic for an illustration essay, try to choose one about which you already know a great deal or will be stimulated to research because of your interest in it.

    This is important because as the focus of an illustration essay is the employment of examples of various sorts, it helps a great deal if the topic naturally generates illustrations in your mind. The essay topic should be sufficiently engaging to attract and hold the reader’s interest, much in the manner of a magazine or newspaper article. Think of yourself as competing, in the same way as professional writers do, for the attention of your reader and this will help you to come up with the kind of topic that is most suitable for your illustration essay.

    How should an illustration essay develop?

    Following the basic essay structure (as above) you then move into the main body of the illustration essay. If, for example, we take the simplest essay structure of the five-paragraph essay, then you have one paragraph for the introduction, three for the main body, and one for the conclusion; each paragraph of the main body of the essay should address a different aspect of the central theme. Do You Need Artificial Intelligence Benefits for your Online Business; Before beginning to write, as always, you should have made an essay plan, and within this include where your illustrations are going to be used.

    There are three main types of illustration:

    • Specific illustrations
    • Typical illustrations
    • Hypothetical illustrations.

    Each of these will be chosen about its applicability to the aspect of the paragraph topic under discussion.

    What does each of these illustrations mean?

    Briefly, the three types of illustrations given above refer to different definitions of illustrations that might be used as evidence in an illustration essay:

    • The specific illustration is an example from personal experience; for example, if you were to write about accidents, you might give an example of an accident that occurred to you to illustrate how such an accident might occur and be dealt with.
    • The typical illustration is a generic example, applicable to many on a given topic; again, using the example of the accident as a topic, a typical illustration would be the fact that most accidents happen at home.
    • The hypothetical illustration is, as its name suggests, an invented illustration; if the topic were accidents, as stated earlier, then a hypothetical example might be to introduce the idea of circumstances under which an accident might take place.

    These are very simplistic examples that would need to be modified according to what topic, or aspect of a topic, is under discussion.

    How should I decide which illustrations to use?

    When deciding on the illustrations you are going to use, bear in mind the fact that each has relative merits and drawbacks:

    • The specific illustration has the merit of having been experienced thus bearing authenticity; however, the drawback is that it carries with this the limitations of subjectivity.
    • The typical illustration has the strength of being easily related to by the reader but the weakness of being too easily flawed by its generality; in other words, it is impossible to say how well a typical illustration can be fitted to every case.
    • The hypothetical illustration is the weakest of the three because it has no grounding in fact and although this does give it extensive flexibility, it should only be used when no other illustrations seem to be applicable or as an addition to one or other or a combination of the other two.

    It is always best to decide on precisely which examples and/or types of examples will be used where and how in your illustration essay before you begin to write, as this will help you to create a strong, well-illustrated argument throughout. The quality and relevance of the illustrations are the foundation of an illustration essay, therefore the illustrations should be used frequently and appropriately right through your essay much as you would use evidentiary support in a standard academic essay. It is a good idea to vary the length and depth of your illustrations to add interest and variety to your argument depending on relative complexity at different points in your essay.

    How should I conclude my illustration essay?

    The conclusion of an illustration essay follows much the same construction as the conclusion of any academic essay. In other words, you need to draw together the main points you have made and produce a synthesis of the thesis. You should also try to suggest further discussion of the topic which might be needed in the future so that you do not imply to the reader that you are inferring that you have covered every aspect of the topic or its illustrations in your work.

    Try to pre-empt possible objections to the arguments and/or illustrations that you have employed by suggesting an ‘open-ended’ debate simply drawing to a temporary impasse. Remember that the principal framework of an illustration essay is its examples and you are trying literally to build a picture of the topic under discussion by making it as interesting, informative, and well-evidenced as possible.

    Reference; It is Retrieved from https://www.ukessays.com/guides/essay-titles.php?vref=1 and https://www.ukessays.com/guides/illustration-essay.php?vref=1

    Write a Title Ideas for Post and Illustration Essay Image
    Write a Title Ideas for Post and Illustration Essay; Image by Mote Oo Education from Pixabay.
  • Human Resource Strategy and Planning Essay

    Human Resource Strategy and Planning Essay

    How to create Human Resource Strategy and Planning in a Business Essay? I will question the university and practical sides of the connection also the and concern forward in the retail and hospitality industry, to determent an overall view of the subject. I will magnetism concerning many cases, research, and literature to make attain the best doable knowledge that is valuable for an independent evaluation of this subject. I will tolerate Tesco, Hilton, and Holiday Inn as an example of today’s average but extremely proficiently-to-reach corporations and study the company’s adding together and current human resource strategies and the reasons bearing in mind their strategic decisions.

    Here are the articles to answer, the doubts about how successfully create Human Resource Strategy and Planning in a Business Essay!

    Through the essay, I see into human capital admin, business achievement, model of comparative SHRM, strategy evaluation, HR connections amid missions and goals of the organizations, and added related topics. What is human resource strategy and planning? Strategic human resource running can be defined as the linking of human resources as soon as strategic goals and objectives to add together matter play-skirmish and fabricate organizational culture that fosters evolution, adaptableness, and competitive advantage.

    In running, SHRM means obliging and involving the HR fighting as a strategic accomplice in crime in the formulation and implementation of the company’s strategies through HR activities such as recruiting, selecting, training, and rewarding personnel. Climate Change Essay for Students; My first place of focus is harshly speaking on how to adroitly staff, rule, and organize an effect on human resource comport yourself. First of all by recognizing the portfolio of the corporation at the working, managerial, and strategic levels.

    Then arrange the human resource department to reflect the strategic, managerial, and in force requirements of the handing out. What are the main goals of human resource strategy and planning? The most important structural variations of the corporation moreover stand in the corporation recruiting procedure. Position posting, set aside forecasting, and meeting out go to the fore come taking place once the money for the HR department an inadvertent to bring a play a role of integration to the recruiting procedure and to have power following more the internal work uphill of the corporation’s human resources.

    Significantly, staffing for all levels of perspective and the domestic leisure movement of employees be coordinated bearing in mind the strategic concerns of the matter. The portfolio of the restructure will make a significant input to the press in the future of a matters recruiting strategy if it turns out to be the driving force in the staffing, publicity plans & programs enlarge, and selection. The processing in the middle of the matters recruiting ways and its strategic plans can put in the influences self-starter to make a attain of your hands on used to environmental conditions.

    However, the influence is likely to recruit folks who have the same characteristics as those managers who are presently on the go within it. Little living attention is paid to identifying the characteristics most congruent considering swing organizational configurations. Many businesses including local shops in Edinburgh owned by the Asian community have faced the challenge of developing greater confidence, solutions finding, initiative, and make miserable-solving capabilities together in the middle of their employees which is a gigantic encumbrance as those convenience stores are the backbone of the economy (Dr. Rita Welsh).

    Businesses compulsion employees at all levels to be more resourceful, independent, creative, and self-plenty. These behaviors offer employees to pretense at an at the forefront-thinking strategic level, which makes businesses more competitive and productive. What are the steps in human resource strategy and planning? People’s efforts generate greater results. It’s what all matters attempt to achieve. Although conventional skills training provides employees as soon as auxiliary methods and techniques, it will not construct their belief, parenthood, or courage, which is vital for the fee of strategic and managerial capabilities so HR departments often make a get sticking to presentations and workshops a pro-pos speaking the above-mentioned topics.

    As I said earlier companies attempt to train their staff to be more self-ample hence less doling out would be required, in accessory terms empower them. What are the Human Resource Policies and Procedures? Employee empowerment is a drying used to impression how employees without managerial positions can make independent decisions without the habit of sworn assertion from a boss/manager. These independent decisions can be large or little depending on the level of realization as well as which the meting out wants to invest the believer of staff.

    Personnel empowerment can begin considering training as I have mentioned above and converting an amassed matter into an empowerment model. On the toting occurring hand, it may consequently plan giving staff members the realization to make a few decisions just very approximately their own. When people atmosphere they have options and are allowed to make lecture decisions, and this does frequently undertaking the way to an augmented feeling of self-worth. In a representation where execution is directly attached to the desirability of self, having some expertise is a priceless issue.

    A staff promoter who does not atmosphere at all times criticized and watched is more likely to regard as creature their workplace as a determined setting, rather than a negative one. The behavioral research, carried out by life at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University, recognizes the aspects that are most attainable to undertaking 21st-century staff ably creature, productivity, and loyalty. The epoch-lucky that allegiance is mainly influenced by one’s desirability of mean, general trust in the concern, and feeling of individual impact.

    Productivity is largely affected by the air of human relationships including cooperation, social organization moods, and relationships. The results of the research guide me to conclude that workplaces that pay for flattering environments that sustain interpersonal trust and feel personal relationships create the most operating and productive employees. Productivity is mostly affected by the setting of human dealings including cooperation, social bureau moods, and relationships.

    The results of the research lead me to conclude that workplaces that meet the expense of sure environments where past occurring interpersonal trust and air personal dealings generate the most loyal and productive employees. So if an employee who does not feel at all times watched and criticized is more likely to deem his or her work as a contract atmosphere, hence, he/she atmosphere more operational to the doling out which would late growth productivity and in conclusion scrape cost for the dealing out.

    Last year I have worked as an allocation-timer for a deeply dexterously respected five-star hotel called Hilton Caledonian. From week one they required me to be neutral for 75 hours even if I had an accord for 25 hours per week. I could not realize anything practically it as it was every one of sure if I realize not connected to my schedule I am simple to locate another job.

    By the subside of the 3rd month furthermore when my training finished I had ample hence I left the Hilton group for their nonappearance of adaptableness. Flexibility is vital for both the employer and the employee; flexibility of employee skills, employee behaviors, and HR practices represent indispensable sub-dimensions of HR flexibility and are related to detached conclusive conduct yourself. Results based harshly on the subject of the perceptual trial of HR adaptableness and accounting events of unbending stroke verify this prediction.

    Whereas facility, behavior, and HR practice malleability are significantly associated once an index of a firm’s financial performance, many experts locate that unaided realization of malleability contributes to cost-efficiency. Hilton has recruited me because they were looking for people who go the totaling mile, people who are athletic but they never gave me anything in compensation, therefore, I left however as my worth has increased for that defense of the training they gave me they lost money.

    Several writers have argued that strategic HRM and human capital admin (HCM) are the same things, and indeed the concept of strategic HRM matches that of the broader definition of HCM quite dexterously as the in the manner of definition of the main features of strategic HRM by Dyer and Holder shows that strategies influence decisions roughly key goals, major policies and the portion of resources they tend to be formulated at the depth.

    Strategies are issue-driven and focus on organizational effectiveness; hence in this perspective, people are viewed primarily as resources to be managed toward the triumph of strategic issue goals. Strategies by their intense nature present unifying frameworks which are at considering expansive, contingency-based, and integrative. They incorporate a full adviser of HR goals and activities expected specifically to fit extant environments and to be mutually reinforcing or synergistic.

    This campaigning has been based on the fact that both HRM in its proper sense and HCM in flames upon the assumption that people are treated as assets rather than costs and both focus on the importance of adopting an integrated and strategic right to use to managing people which is the matter of all the stakeholders in a doling out not just the people admin act. However, the concept of human capital government complements and strengthens the concept of strategic HRM rather than replaces it.

    Hence both HCM and HRM can be regarded as vital components in the process of people slope of view and both form the basis for achieving human capital advantage through a resource-based strategy. Business or corporate strategy for help firms in sectors such as hospitality, tourism retail, etc. has to pronounce you will a range of varying stakeholders interests and conciliate these within a strategy framework enough to them every single one. SHRM has had a share to be alert the consolidation of staff within the pattern ascertained by the most cogent internal stakeholders and senior managers.

    SHRM thus shares the wider reticulation of corporate administration and touch strategy. The goal to fulfill outdoor stakeholders and the people-intensive natural world of assist sector environments leads to aggravating people supervision both operationally and beneficially. Customer assist and related concepts of in the part apart from afield along companies have led hospitality and retail businesses to a more conceptual discernment of people dealing out.

    In the long term, it remains to be seen whether the strategic supervision of human resources has been more regulated by soft HRM (focusing upon the supervisor of culture, employee attitudes, and empowerment) and hard HRM (focusing upon measurable outcomes). Mayfair London lies at the heart of the British Tourism Hospitality Industry and Bass charity is a leading hospitality chain Johnson (1999) observes that senior managers at Holiday inns undertook a training project that encompassed spending hasty periods at operative levels.

    This exercise led to an actualization that if the stomach-pedigree staff did not have unlimited authority and autonomy to resolve non-routine problems as they arose, their customer’s recommendation of atmosphere and ministering would be intensely impaired. It is important to have agreement on the linking together of senior executives, front pedigree staff, and empowerment of staff to declare you will answerability for customer care satisfaction, and setting paperwork issues.

    All these points to the central them in SRHM. The handing out subsequently commenced training initiatives to equip workers to take subsidiary responsibility for feel and problem-solving as competently as enforcing fresh recruitment strategies, such as auditions for food and drink staff to distinguish candidates gone the right attitudes. The right attitudes reference that the government is looking for staff as soon as culturally specified social skills-eg attribute that are often arduous to appraise.

    These soft or tacit skills, abilities to kill intricate connection roles and functions even if at the amalgamated era, executing rarefied (or hard) tasks. The distinction surrounded by tacit soft skills and explicit perplexing hard task-oriented- skills lies at the heart of our exposure to the feel of SHRM. Managers as well as venerated that the effectiveness of the optional accessory strategies would reckon upon a genuine dedication to the interests and welfare of employees.

    The hotel gained Investors in People’s allergic reactions in 1995. This is an excellent example to behave how anything is associated together. I have talked very approximately empowerment, flexibility, loyalty, training, customer encouragement, and many more as this example states every portion of a single place of human resource government is affecting every one issue press on just as much as one area affects the addendum one.


    It is useful for every pension of organizations to run their people within a planned and coherent framework which reflects the effect on strategy. They can ensure that the various aspects of people giving out are mutually reinforcing in developing the law and behaviors vital to tolerate business take simulation. There is not a single HRM strategy that will tackle liveliness in every portion of the situation. Organizations dependence to define a strategy that is unique to their issue in terms of context, goals, and the demands of organizational stakeholders.

    Human Resource Strategy and Planning in Business Essay Image
    Human Resource Strategy and Planning in Business Essay; Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.
  • Definition and Meaning of Juristic Personality

    Definition and Meaning of Juristic Personality

    What is the Juristic Personality Definition and Meaning? The term juristic people, also used as persona Ficta or Personne morale are the terms most generally employed to designate the organization through which corporate action is effected. Those which exist to administer governmental powers are known as public corporations. Those which are conducted to enrich private individuals are known as private corporations. For the present inquiry, the distinction is not important, our problem is to determine the nature of the person, being, or group, through which the will of the collection of members of the corporation finds expression.

    Here are the articles to answer, What are the doubts about the Definition and Meaning of Juristic Personality?

    Personality is considered, therefore, an attribute not only of men but of groups of men, acting as a unit for the attainment of a common end. This person, which is not a human being, is called technically, a juristic person to distinguish it from the physical personality of mankind. The collective will of a group of men so acting and holding property when recognized as a subject of law, or as having legal subjectivity, or more plainly, when recognized as capable of holding definite legal rights, is no more fiction than is the personality of any human being.

    This juristic person or the collective will of the group is endowed with definite legal capacity. It is capable of exercising rights, capable of committing wrongs; the former, it may vindicate; the latter it must pay for. This most important feature of the juristic or corporate personality is known in legal terms as the ‘body corporate’, and in the Indian Companies Act, 1956 we see that this term has been defined in Section 2(7) where it has been specified what can be included under the term ‘body corporate’. What exactly is the body corporate we will see later in this paper.

    Research Process;

    Now that we have a more or less fair idea about the basic conception of a ‘juristic person’, it is safe to say that the exploration of the legal properties of a juristic person would be the chief aim of this paper. Here the researcher would like to state the methodology adopted for writing this paper. The concept of body corporate is fairly well-dealt within most books on Company Law, and especially so in Ramaiya’s ‘Guide to the Companies Act’. Apart from this, the researcher consulted a few more textbooks on the matter.

    Individual articles published in various law journals and available on a few legal databases namely Hein Online and Westlaw have been useful, as these articles not only deal with the definitional aspect but also the new horizons it opens up, namely the level of criminal charges that can be put up against a company as compared to a natural person. The Companies Act, 1956, and the decisions of the cases referred have been used as primary sources.

    Examination Questions;

    • What are the chief features of a corporate or juristic personality and how do they stand out in contrast to those of a natural person?
    • How have these features been interpreted and modified by the landmark decisions of the judiciary both in India and abroad?
    • How can the juristic person be made liable in tort or crime and how is it different from liability incurred by a natural person?

    Body Corporate-Aiming Towards A Definition;

    As mentioned earlier, the core of the corporate or juristic personality is the body corporate. But what exactly is it? It is very difficult to find an exact definition for body corporate as there is controversy entangled with the very term, with differences of opinion existing on whether it has a real personality or is its juristic personality a mere legal fiction. What are the Types of Business structures in Business Law?

    Broadly speaking, in the Indian context the term while not including any of the bodies expressly excluded by Sec. 2(7) of the Companies Act, 1956, may include an aggregate of persons who have been or is incorporated under some statute of this or any foreign country and which exists as a legal entity distinct from the members constituting it and having perpetual succession and a common seal. We will delve deeper into the concept of perpetual succession but let us pursue the definition for now.

    In Halsbury’s Laws of England, we find it defined as, a collection of individuals into one body under a special denomination, having perpetual succession under an artificial form, and vested by the policy of the law with the capacity of acting in several aspects as an individual, particularly of taking and granting property, of contracting obligations and of suing and being sued, of enjoying privileges and immunities in common and of exercising a variety of political rights, more or less extensive, according to the design of its constitution or the powers conferred upon it, either at the time of its creation or any subsequent period of its existence.

    Thus all these properties of a body corporate mentioned in this definition are the chief features that a body with a juristic personality possesses, and these properties define such a body. The members of a corporate body need not necessarily or only be individuals. Other bodies corporate may be members. The essential characteristic of a corporation is that it has a distinct legal personality and existence, which we call for this paper the juristic personality, as distinguished from its members, whoever they may be.

    All these features of corporate personality in the above definition are recognized by Sec. 34(2) of the Companies Act. In this context, it can be mentioned that the Supreme Court of India in State Trading Corporation of India v. CTO has elaborately discussed the nature of a corporation and held that it cannot have the status of a citizen under the Constitution of India. What is the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881?

    Salomon v. Salomon and Company-the judiciary interprets the company as having a separate legal personality;

    Salomon v. Salomon and Co. is a very important case in the context of understanding what can constitute a corporation or corporate personality. Salomon was a boot and shoe manufacturer in England who took over his own business by establishing a company namely Salomon & Salomon. There were seven subscribers to the memorandum of the company, including himself and his family members. Two of his sons and himself were on the Board of Directors. The business was transferred to this company with Salomon taking the majority of the shares and debentures. A charge was created on the company assets for the debentures held by Salomon.

    Within a year the company went into liquidation with some assets, debentures, and unsecured creditors. The liquidation of the company’s assets could not provide the amount that was required to meet the different debts. Since there was a charge on the company’s assets to the debentures held by Salomon the amount realized on assets was paid to Salomon. Nothing was left to the unsecured creditors to be paid who being aggrieved by this brought up litigation before the court of law.

    They contended that the company was created by the family members of Salomon with the sole purpose to take over the existing business and defrauding the creditors It was contended that since Salomon had the vast control over the affairs of the company is the managing director, and with other directors being his sons the company was never in existence. Rather it was solely his business and the company was a defrauding organization.

    The Court after much deliberation opined that a company is at law a different person altogether from the subscribers of the memorandum and its members, thus laying the seeds for the firm conception of juristic personality. When a memorandum is signed and duly registered the subscribers are a body corporate irrespective of their status and influence on the company, which again we have seen mentioned in the definitions referred to earlier in this paper. Salomon and Company was not a myth or fiction; rather it was a real company fulfilling all the legal requirements according to the Court.

    No provision in the existing law precluded the members from being related to each other. While the Court accepted the contention that the other six members were mere puppets in the hands of Salomon, it also observed that such a practice, while it might result in certain undesirable outcomes, was in no manner whatsoever violating any existing statutory provision.

    The contention that the company was defrauded into the purchase of Salomon’s business, was also rejected on the ground that the decision was taken in a meeting of the Directors of the company and the fact that such Directors, being the nominees of Salomon, must have been influenced by him, did in no way detract the legality and propriety of the transaction.

    The company is at law a different person altogether from the subscribers to the Memorandum and, although it may be that after incorporation the business is precisely the same as it was before, and the same persons are managers, and the same hands receive the profits, the company is not in law the agent of the subscribers or trustee for them. Nor can subscribers as members be made liable.

    The Salomon decision to this day remains a landmark one for defining the personality of a company and has influenced many subsequent decisions made on the subject. Now we focus on a couple of important Indian decisions on corporate personality.

    Separate Legal Personality Of The Company As Interpreted By The Judiciary In India;

    The courts in India while determining the characteristic of corporate personality have been influenced by the Salomon decision and we see it reflected in a couple of very important decisions, the first one being Kandoli Tea Company Limited, Re. In this case, a tea estate was taken over by the persons running the estate by the establishment of a company.

    The affected persons initiated court proceedings by contending that it is the owners of the estate who themselves are party to the company and the subsequent takeover, therefore it is a transfer of property among themselves under another name and thus it is a case of fraud. The Calcutta High Court opined that a company once formed is a separate entity from its members and the status of the members before and after its formation does not matter.

    The transfer is valid as if the members of the company had been different persons altogether. According to S. 34(2) of the Companies Act, 1956 the incorporation transforms a company into a body corporate capable of functioning as an institutionalized entity. Thus the independent corporate personality of a company makes it the owner of its assets and the bearer of its liabilities. This is the very essence of the juristic personality of a company.

    This line of reasoning was followed in the important case of Praga Tools Corporation v. C.V. Manual. The Supreme Court further added in this case that even if the affairs of the company are controlled by one person that company is a legal entity and it is irrelevant if the directors or members belong to the same family. Unlike a partnership, the members in a company have a liability restricted to the nominal value of the shares owned by them or the sum guaranteed by them.

    There is nothing in the Companies Act that prohibits such one-man companies and the great majority of them are bona fide. The law recognizes the existence of the companies irrespective of the motives, intentions, schemes, or conduct of the individual shareholders and members. In Pattinson v. Bindhya Debi, it was further stressed that two companies that are incorporated with the same set of shareholders are nevertheless distinct and separate entities.

    A Few Other Important Features Of Juristic Personality – Perpetual Succession;

    Section 34 lays stress upon the fact that the body corporate which emerges from registration shall have perpetual succession. The element of perpetual succession prevents the dislocation of a company and the death or bankruptcy of any of its members. If a partner of a partnership firm dies or becomes bankrupt, the firm is dissolved, and if the surviving or continuing partners go on with the business, they in law constitute a new firm.

    But in the case of a company, the death or bankruptcy of a member does not have any such effect, for the company is a separate juristic person and it continues to exist as one until it is not only wound up but dissolved in the manner specified in the Companies Act. This point was well illustrated in the Australian case of Re Noel Tedman Holdings Pty. Ltd. In this case, a man and his wives were sole shareholders and directors of two companies.

    They both died in a road accident. Their deaths however were held not to cause the termination of the companies’ legal existence. The companies continued as owners of property and parties to uncompleted contracts. The personal representatives of the deceased shareholders were allowed by the court to appoint new directors of the companies to realize their property for the benefit of the deceased’s estates.

    The advantage of incorporation is that the company never dies. It has perpetual succession and remains in existence however often its members change until it has dissolved by liquidation. In Gopalpur Tea Co. Ltd. v. Peshok Tea Co. Ltd., it was held that the company has an identity and existence independent of the estate and undertakings owned by it, and so even if the estate is taken over by the Government, that does not constitute a taking over of the management of the company.

    Dealing Capacity Of The Company As Distinct From Its Shareholders;

    By its separate existence, it is legally empowered to execute dealings in its capacity. The company can deal, acquire or dispose of the property in its name and under a common seal. Assets and properties of the company are not of the shareholders but of the company itself. Along similar lines, it can execute legal proceedings in its legal capacity being recognized as a separate legal person, albeit a juristic one. There is nothing in the Indian law to warrant the assumption that a shareholder who buys shares buys any interest in the property of the company which is a juristic person entirely distinct from its shareholders.

    According to the Court in Bacha F. Guzdar v. CIT, the true position of a shareholder is that on buying shares he becomes entitled to participate in the profits of the company in which he holds shares, if and when the company declares, subject to Article of Association, that the profits or any portion thereof should be distributed by way of dividends among shareholders. Otherwise, he cannot participate in the profits of a company.

    Further, no shareholder can lay any claim to the rights vested in the company or be bound by any obligations, duties, or liabilities unless it can be shown that he was using the company as his agent. This was laid down in J.H. Rayner (Mincing Lane) Ltd. V. Dept. of Trade and Industry. In Daimler Co. Ltd. v. Continental Tyre & Rubber Co. (Great Britain) Ltd., it was emphasized by Lord Parker that the fact the members exert some manner of influence over the affairs of the company or they are the ultimate beneficiaries of the companies’ activity is not sufficient in itself to constitute the company as an agent of its members.

    Liability In Tort And Crime;

    ‘A company can be guilty of acting with intent to deceive and making a statement which it knows to be false or be indicted for conspiracy to defraud. It can also be guilty of and be fixed for contempt of Court. Notwithstanding its impersonal nature, it may sue for an injury done to its reputation in the way of its business by a libel, slander, or by the imputation of insolvency, and may be sued for malicious prosecution, maintenance, infringement of copyright, molesting a person in the exercise of his calling or negligence, and may be guilty of malicious libel’.

    A company cannot personally commit any tort or crime. It cannot even authorize any tort or crime because its authority always remains circumscribed by the objects clause of its memorandum and that clause cannot contain anything unlawful. Questions have, therefore often arisen as to the extent to which a company can be held liable for any tort or crime committed by those working for it.

    In criminal law, though there has been a necessary preoccupation with a fundamental dividing line that recognizes that certain acts, which only a natural person can perform, lie beyond a company’s vicarious liability. In Richmond London Borough Council v. Pin and Wheeler Ltd., a statutory order stated that ‘no person shall drive or cause or permit to be driven’ a prescribed vehicle, the Divisional Court Quashed a company’s conviction on the basis that the act of driving the goods vehicle in question is a physical activity which can be performed only by natural persons and not a company.

    The statutory offense of ‘permitting’ cannot be committed vicariously by a company although direct liability may well accrue on the basis that the act and the men’s rea of a directing mind and will of the company can be identified as that of the company, as laid down in Manga Plant Ltd. v. Mitchell. Accordingly, caution is required in choosing an appropriate offense with which a company may be charged where vicarious liability appears to be the foundation of the case.

    However, the constitutionality of the application of the principle of faultless liability in the corporate context must be decided on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the reasonableness of applying this doctrine in light of the objectives sought to be achieved by the statute. Even if the objectives are found to be of sufficient importance, a less restrictive means of limitation would, in the author’s view, be required where the offense carries a stigma and a severe penalty is prescribed.


    The concept of corporate personality has been subjected to acute and searching analysis by jurists during the last century. The debate on whether a group or association of human beings has a ‘fictitious’ or ‘real’ personality has attracted protagonists on both sides, each pressing its view with vigor. The crucial question that this discussion has thrown up is: to what extent has the law given recognition to such groups?

    Pursuing this discussion we find that the law has ascribed a personality to these groups, one that is exclusive to the group and distinct from each of the members of this group. This personality is called juristic personality or corporate personality and it can be traced to the common law principles or even is S. 34 (2) of the Companies Act, 1956 when viewed in the Indian context.

    The originally pragmatic device of legal technique to refer to the corporation or the juristic person by way of calling it a fictitious person or persona Ficta had become obsolete and began to create confusion in certain fields of law, especially in American constitutional law and in international law, rather than to promote the sound legal development. Correctly understood, ‘Persona Ficta’ or ‘juristic person’ can nowadays hardly be anything else than a synonym for ‘corporate person’, and keeping that in mind has the author dealt with the concept of juristic personality in this article.

    Definition and Meaning of Juristic Personality Image
    Definition and Meaning of Juristic Personality;
  • Explain the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881

    Explain the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881

    What is the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881? Negotiable instruments are seen to have great significance in the modern business world. It has to be noted that these instruments have gained significant prominence as the principal instruments for paying and discharging business obligations. So what essentially is a negotiable instrument? A negotiable instrument is any transferable document that satisfies certain conditions. These instruments pass freely from hand to hand and thus form an integral form part this modern business instruments.

    Here are the articles to answer, What are the doubts about Define and Explain the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881?

    It also has to be noted that in our country, the law relating to negotiable instruments, is governed by the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881. How to define the Consideration in Contract Law? This Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 does not in specific define what a negotiable instrument is, it merely states that a negotiable instrument means “a promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable either to the bearer”.

    Section 13 of the Act, does not indicate the characteristics of a negotiable instrument but only states that three instruments-cheque, a bill of exchange, and a promissory note, are negotiable instruments act 1881. Thus these three instruments are therefore negotiable instruments as per the statute. But it has to be noted that S.13, does not prohibit any other instrument which satisfies the essential features of negotiability, to be treated as a negotiable instrument.

    Thomas defines the negotiable instrument as an instrument is negotiable which it is, by a legally recognized custom of trade or law, transferable by delivery or by endorsement and delivery, without notice to the party liable, in such a way that a. a holder of it may for the time being may sue upon it in his name. The property in it passes on to a bonafide transferee for value-free from any defect in the title of the person from whom he obtained it. What is the objective of the Minimum Wages Act?

    A negotiable instrument is a transferable document either by the application of the law or by the custom of the trade concerned.

    Thus it has to be noted that a negotiable instrument, firstly is easily transferable from person to person and the ownership of the property may be passed on by mere delivery. Secondly, a negotiable instrument confers absolute faith and good title on a transferee, provided that he takes it in good faith for value and without notice of the fact that the transferor had defective title thereto.

    It is seen that the negotiable instruments can be essentially classified into two major types of Negotiable instruments by statute: The three instruments, cheque, bill of exchange, and promissory notes are negotiable instruments by statute

    Negotiable instruments by custom or usage: Some instruments have acquired the character of negotiability by custom or usage of trade. Section 137 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, also recognized that an instrument might be negotiable by law or custom. Therefore we have cases of promissory notes, delivery orders, and hundreds being held as negotiable instruments act 1881.

    Liabilities of Parties;

    The main aim of this project would essentially be to look into the liability of parties to a Negotiable Instruments act 1881. But before moving on to the liabilities, a brief on the parties and their capacity to capacity parties to contract is required. The parties to a negotiable instrument, namely, the maker, drawer, drawee, and the payee, enter into a contract among themselves.

    It is therefore very essential that they should have the capacity to enter into valid contracts. Section 26 of the Negotiable Instrument Act, states that

    “Every person capable of contracting, according to the law to which he is subject, may bind himself and be bound by the making, drawing, acceptance, endorsement, delivery, and negotiations of a promissory note, bill of exchange, or a cheque”.

    S.11 of the Indian Contract Act, states the requirements of parties to contract. Thus as per this section, any person who is of a sound mind, above the age of majority, and not disqualified from entering in to contract by any Act, is competent to enter into a valid contract.

    Liability of drawer of the bill or a cheque;

    Essentially the liability of the parties to a ‘negotiable instrument’ has its statutory provisions under Sections 30, 32, and 35 of the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881.

    The first section in this aspect to be analyzed would be S.30 of the Act, which provides for the Liability of the drawer of the bill or a cheque.

    The ‘drawer’ of the cheque, essentially, as defined by S.7 of the Act, is “The maker of a bill of exchange or Cheque”

    Thus Section 30 of the Act, goes on to define the liability of the drawer of a bill or cheque

    “The drawer of a bill of exchange or cheque is bound in case of dishonor by the drawee or acceptor thereof, to compensate the holder, provided due notice of dishonor has been given to or received by, the drawer as hereinafter provided”

    The critical thing to be noted here is that the liability of the drawer here arises only in case of dishonor of the cheque or a bill of exchange and nothing before it. A bill of exchange is seen as dishonored by non-acceptance or by non-payment, but on the other hand, a cheque is dishonored by non-payment only.

    As soon as this bill or exchange or a cheque has been dishonored by non-acceptance by the drawee, it is seen that the holder of the has the right to recourse against the drawer. The drawee, as per Section 7 of the Act, is “the person directed to pay”

    It also has to be noted that the drawer, becomes liable only when the drawee has dishonored the bill of exchange or the cheque.

    But unlike the bill of exchange, it has to be noted that in case of dishonor of a cheque, the drawer remains liable thereto, even if the cheque is not presented by the holder to the drawer bank. This was held by the Supreme Court, in Harish Chander v. M/s. Ganga Singh and Sons and others. Here again, the relevance of Sections 72 and 84, were looked into. These sections essentially deal with the discharge of the liability of the drawer, in case he suffers damage as a result of the presentment of the cheque

    Another aspect that needs to be looked into before the drawer can be held liable, is the fact that ‘due and sufficient prior notice of dishonor’, has been given.

    But again taking Section 98 into consideration, no notice is required if the provision of this section is being taken into consideration. It has to be noted that the service of this notice, may be oral or written or may even be faxed, but it is a must.

    V.V.L.N.Chary and Others v. N.A.Martin and others is another case, which needs to be looked into. The issue here was whether a post-dated cheque for payment of goods is only a promise to pay on a future date or not?. The court, held in the affirmative and stated that it is but a promise.

    It further held that if this promise is broken by the dishonor of the cheque, it will enforce a civil liability only. The liability of proving the dishonest intention of the drawer was put on the shoulders of the holder, as the court stated that only if prior knowledge was present on the part of the drawer that he intended to dishonor the cheque, can he be convicted.

    This case essentially put the drawer in a rather better position, by ensuring that unnecessary accusations and liabilities would not be enforced on him.

    So then would a drawer ever be criminally liable?. The answer to this came later on in the Banking, Public Financial Institutions and Negotiable Instruments Laws (Amendment) Act 1988, which was further modified by the Negotiable Instruments (Amendment and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 2002 As per this act, the dishonor of cheques due to the insufficiency of funds, was deemed to be an offense for which the drawer could be punished with imprisonment for a term up to a year or with a fine up to twice the amount of the cheque or with both. More specifically Sections 138-142, were inserted which deal with these offenses.

    Another section to be noted here is Section 31 of the Act, which deals with the liability of the drawee of the cheque. As per this section, “The drawee of a cheque having sufficient funds of the drawer in his hands properly applicable to the payment of such cheque must pay the cheque when duly required so to do, and, in default of such payment, must compensate the drawer for any loss or damage caused by such default”.

    Section 32 of the Act, deals with the liability of the maker of the note and the acceptor of the bill. As per this section, “In the absence of a contract to the contrary, the maker of a promissory note and the acceptor before the maturity of a bill of exchange are bound to pay the amount thereof at maturity according to the apparent tenor of the note or acceptance respectively, and the acceptor of a bill of exchange at or after maturity is bound to pay the amount thereof to the holder on demand.

    In default of such payment as aforesaid, such maker or acceptor is bound to compensate any party to the note or bill for any loss or damage sustained by him and caused by such default”.

    Here, it has to be noted that the maker of a promissory note and the acceptor of a bill of exchange are the principal debtors and their liability on the instrument, is absolute and unconditional. The first part of this section deals with the liability of the maker of a note and the second part with the consequences of default.

    The crux of this section can be summed up as. This section essentially puts the maker of the note and the acceptor of the bill on the same footing. It makes both liable as principal debtors. Besides this, it can be seen that a bill may be accepted before maturity or at or after maturity. An acceptor of the bill, it is seen before maturity is bound to pay the amount at maturity and an acceptor at or after maturity shall have to pay the amount to the holder on demand.

    It is however not that there is o difference between the liability of the maker of the note and the acceptor of the bill. The maker of the note, it is seen is bound to pay the amount according to the apparent tenor of the note. That he, as he makes it himself, he cannot change its terms and shall have to abide by the tenor of the note.

    But on the other hand, it is seen that the acceptor of the bill, is liable to pay the amount according to the apparent tenor of his acceptance. That is to say, if the acceptor accepts the bill, he is required to honor the bill as per his qualified acceptance and not according to the tenor of the bill.

    This cane very simply is illustrated by the following example. If A, draws a bill of Rs.10,00 on B, to be paid after a year, and B, gives his acceptance to pay the amount after 18 months, B is liable to pay after 18 months and not a year.

    It has to be noted that in case of a promissory note signed by two or more promisors and the consideration has been received by only one of them, irrespective of any reason, all the promisors shall be equally liable for the amount of the promissory note.

    It also has to be noted that Sections 78, 41 42, and 88 of the Act, also deal with the liability of the maker of the note and the acceptor of a bill

    Liability of the endorser;

    This is provided for under Section 35 of the Act, which states that

    “In the absence of a contract to the contrary, whoever endorses and delivers a negotiable instrument before maturity, without in such endorsement, expressly excluding or making conditional his liability, is bound thereby to every subsequent holder, in case of dishonor by the drawee, acceptor or maker, to compensate such holder for any loss or damage caused to him by such dishonor, provided due notice of dishonor has been given to or received by, such endorser as hereinafter provided. Every endorser after dishonor is liable as upon an instrument payable on demand.”

    Before moving on further, it is pertinent to study Section 15 of the Act in relevance to the term ‘endorsement’ and define an ‘endorser’. As per Section 15 of the Act, which defines endorsement,

    “When the maker or holder of a negotiable instrument signs the same, otherwise than as such maker, for negotiation, one the back or face thereof or on a slip of paper annexed thereto, or so signs for the same purpose a stamped paper intended to be completed as a negotiable instrument, he is said to endorse the same and is called the endorser.”

    It is seen that to invoke Section 35, firstly and most importantly, there has to be an endorsement of an instrument, which has to be delivered to the endorsee. It has to be noted that if either of these acts does not occur, the liability of the endorser does not arise.

    Secondly, this section again puts the endorser of the cheque on the same footing as the drawer of a bill/cheque or maker of a note. In the sense that it confers upon him the same levels of liability.

    This concept of endorsement is based on the belief that the bill, cheque, or note, will be duly accepted or honored by the drawee or the maker. On the failure of this event happening, the liability of the endorser occurs. So essentially, it is seen that the role of the endorser is pretty much equivalent to that of a surety, who undertakes the performance by the acceptor of the bill.

    It is seen that immediately on the dishonor of an instrument, the older of the instrument, gets an inherent right to sue the endorser at once, which can in no way be challenged. The holder stands in a rather advantageous position as he is in a better position to sue either party, the drawer for non-compliance or the endorser for failure to ensure compliance on the part of the drawer

    Then again it has to be noted that the liability of an endorser arises only when there is an absence of a contract to the contrary. As mentioned in the section itself, the endorser may save himself from liability by either excluding his liability thereon by endorsing sans recourse or by making his liability conditional. If these acts have been adhered to, the endorser would save himself the trouble of being liable.

    An aspect that needs to be looked into is when the endorser’s liability is discharged?. To answer this, Section 36 of the Act which deals with the liability of prior parties to the holder in due course, needs to be looked into first. This Section states that “Every prior party to a negotiable instrument is liable thereon to a holder in due course until the instrument is duly satisfied.”

    Section 40 of the act also needs to be looked into, which states that “Where the holder of a negotiable instrument, without the consent of the endorser, destroys or impairs the endorser’s remedy against a prior party, the endorser is discharged from liability to the holder to the same extent as if the instrument had been paid at maturity.”


    Negotiable Instruments Act 1881; The essence of these liabilities being imposed upon the parties is nothing by an act to being upon a greater sense of responsibilities on the part of the parties. The Sections provided here, are rather comprehensive and cover a relatively broad range of parties to a negotiable instrument, and also impose penal sanctions on them, if they turn into offenders. Although before the various amendments, there was no criminal liability imposed on parties, the amendment of 2002, imposed a greater sense of responsibility as it brought upon more stringent measures to counter the offending parties.

    Explain the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881 Image
    Explain the Negotiable Instruments Act 1881; Image by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.
  • Differences Between Greek and Roman Gods Essay

    Differences Between Greek and Roman Gods Essay

    What are the Similarities and Differences Between Greek and Roman Gods Essay? Believing in gods and worshipping them have been prevailing in societies back era immemorial. These beliefs and worshipping rituals and methods modify from place to place. People engage in several dynamic trials, prayers, and even sacrifices to satisfy gods.

    Here are the articles to answer, What are the doubts about Similarities and Differences Between Greek and Roman Gods Essay?

    From ancient times different societies have worshiped gods, believing in their power and being afraid of their fury. People have prayed and made sacrifices to achieve the gods’ mercy and generosity. What are the Similarities and Differences Differences Between Islam and Christianity Essay? They believed that, if the goods are in good mood, they will provide people with good weather conditions for growing crops. Moreover, people needed explanations for different natural phenomena, such as rain, drought, lightning, thunder, and earthquake.

    So, ancient people believed that these natural phenomena are caused by the gods. A good example of such societies could be ancient Greeks and Romans. Ancient Greeks and Romans existed in the middle ages. This essay will describe the main gods and goddesses of ancient Greek and Roman societies. It will also look at the main similarities and differences between the gods and goddesses of these societies.

    What are Greek Gods?

    A buildup of myths revealed by the ancient Greeks is embodied in Greek mythology. These tales unite considering the heritage of Greek culture, birds, activities of gods, and pleasing people, and their contributions, traditions, and rituals. Initially, the myths were propagated in an oral poetic circulate in the 18th century BC by Minoan and Mycenaean singers. The Iliad, Homer’s epic poems, and the Odyssey are the contents of the oral tradition.

    There are moreover some myths securely kept in parts of epic poems of the Epic Cycle, Homeric Hymns, lyrical poems, etc. The images of the deities were considered in many fields and purposes by the Greeks. Coins were printed as soon as divine images, and drinking cups and substitute pots had Greek myths carved on the subject of them. The temple was a flaming for the gods and goddesses.

    Some of the major deities listed in Greek mythology adjoin Aphrodite; the goddess of beauty and throbbing, Apollo; the god of music and arts, Ares; the god of courage, Athena; the goddess of pleasurable judgment, and the list goes going around for the. The Greeks have extreme beliefs linked gone their deities. They are quite dependent on them. In Homers Iliad, there are some parts that sort of explored the daily cartoon of the Greek gods, what they were made of, and how they led energy in the human world. It furthermore reveals the human’s intimates bearing in mind the gods and how those are cherished.

    What are Roman Gods?

    Roman mythology is the organ of cultural and informative tales by the ancient Romans. The religious system of Rome dealt mainly as soon with the literature and arts of the Romans. The Roman myths have some elements that are supernatural yet they are often treated as historical. Greek religion had an in the future moved upon Roman myths. The Roman authors, in a habit, reinterpreted the stories just nearly Greek gods by just changing their names and naming them after planets.

    Moreover, the Roman religion has a relationship when the Etruscan religion too. For the Romans, expertly-liked traditions and rituals were the primary business, unlike the Greeks. Their books and commentaries comprised religious cultures, rules, traditions, prayers, and worship events. The gods were a strong fable of knack and represented the need for daily energy. The Roman gods are the same as their Greek counterparts just have sure names.

    Some of the main deities in Roman mythology be touching Venus; the goddess of exaltation, Mars; the god of the skirmish, Neptune; the god of the sea, and hence upon. The gods are the epitome of military facility and courage and for that excuse, are dressed in military clothes as a sign of it. On a fascinating note, the Roman gods were revealed and listed through the real-moving picture observations made by the Romans. Also, their rituals and events, of them were based upon the learnings of the world.


    To begin with, there are a lot of similarities between Greek and Roman gods, because roman religion was based on Greek religion. Greek mythology was founded about a millennium before the Roman. Romans founded their religion based on the Greek religion. So, Greek and Roman religions are similar, because both of them are polytheistic religions. ‘Polytheism is belief in, or worship of, multiple gods or divinities. There were more than thirty gods in each of these cultures.

    Furthermore, Greeks and Romans had almost the same gods, despite differences in their names. As an example, both cultures had the god of the sea, the goddess of love, the god of war, the god of wine, and the goddess of wisdom. Importantly, there was a chief god, who was the king of all gods, in both Greek and Roman societies. In Greek mythology, the king of gods is known as Zeus, whereas Romans call the king of gods Jupiter. There is also a queen of gods in Greek and Roman mythologies. Greeks call the queen Hera, whereas Romans’ queen of gods is Juno.

    Finally, both ancient societies have twelve main gods and goddesses. In Greek mythology, they are known as the Twelve Olympians. They are Zeus, Poseidon, Aid, Ares, Apollo, Hermes, Hephaestus, Hera, Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, and Dionysus. Greeks call these twelve main gods and goddesses as follows: Jupiter, Neptune, Pluton, Mars, Feb, Mercury, Volcano, Juno, Minerva, Venus, Diana, and Bacchus. They are the same gods and goddesses with the same powers, but with different names.

    Even though the Roman religion is based on the Greek religion, there are several differences between the gods of these societies. Romans have not just adopted their religion from the Greeks. They have also changed their religion according to their culture. So, if you read about Rome and Greek gods and goddesses, you will see differences in their names. Romans gave their gods names that are different from the names of Greek gods. Thus, there are only a few Greek and Roman gods and goddesses that have similar names.

    Usually, Roman gods and goddesses have names of planets of the solar system, such as Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune, and Mars. In contrast, Greek gods and goddesses have their names, such as Zeus, Hermes, Ares, and Hera. For example, the goddess of love is Venus in Roman mythology and Aphrodite in Greek mythology. Romans call the god of war Mars, while Greeks called it Ares. The god of the sea is called Neptune in Roman mythology and Poseidon in Greek mythology.

    Furthermore, if you read about Roman and Greek gods, you will notice differences in the characters of gods and goddesses. Gods and goddesses usually have characters similar to people that believe and pray to them, because people think up their gods themselves. Ancient Greeks were polite and creative. ‘They held creativity above physical works in the mortal and mythical world’. Greeks were also interested in poetry. In contrast, Romans were more focused on actions rather than on words. They valued bravery and courage. So, Roman gods and goddesses are more military and aggressive, whereas Greek gods and goddesses are more cultural and polite.

    Finally, when you look at pictures of Greek and Roman gods or goddesses, you will see differences in their clothes and physical appearance. Ancient Greeks highly valued creativity and beauty. So, Greek gods and goddesses were usually given a beautiful and perfect physical appearance. They were dressed in white and light cloth. By contrast, Romans were more focused on warfare and valued bravery. So, Rome gods and goddesses had military clothes. Romans did not pay much attention to the physical appearance of gods and goddesses.

    Main Differences Between Greek Gods and Roman Gods;

    • Greek gods came into existence earlier than the Roman gods.
    • Greek gods have human traits, though Roman gods get a pact of not.
    • Roman gods are the epitome of gift, whereas, Greek gods are the epitome of creativity.
    • Also, Roman gods are named after planets.
    • Roman gods have military clothes, while Greek gods have white and fresh clothes.


    In conclusion, by comparing Greek and Roman gods, you can see both similarities and differences between the gods of the two ancient societies. Greek and Roman religions are similar because Roman mythology was founded based on the Greeks. Religions of both ancient societies are polytheistic religions. Moreover, both cultures have almost the same gods with the same powers.

    Finally, there are twelve main gods, known as the Twelve Olympians, in both cultures. However, Greek and Roman gods also differ from each other, because Romans have changed their religion according to their own culture. So, Roman and Greek gods had different names. Furthermore, there is a difference in the characters of Greek and Roman Gods. And finally, the Greek and Roman gods had different physical appearances and wore different clothes. Therefore, Greek and Roman gods have similarities as well as some differences.

    Similarities and Differences Between Greek and Roman Gods Essay Image
    Similarities and Differences Between Greek and Roman Gods Essay; Image by Congerdesign from Pixabay.
  • Differences Between Islam and Christianity Essay

    Differences Between Islam and Christianity Essay

    Similarities and Differences Between Islam and Christianity Essay; In this essay, we will examine some relevant similarities and differences between two widely known and practiced religions: Islam and Christianity. Although these two religions have easily identifiable similarities and differences, they are both large players in the religious world today with an impressive number of followers.

    Here are the articles to answer, What are the doubts about Similarities and Differences Between Islam and Christianity Essay?

    Also, each of these religions had been delivered with basic rules of guidance, although the rules in themselves were different. Islam had, from Mohammad, the Five Pillars, while Christians had been given the Ten Commandments, delivered by Moses. Climate Change Essay for Students; Another aspect of each of these religions that is very similar is that each is a “Book” religion. They each have their book written down by disciples of their respective religions. The Islamic religion has the Koran, and the Christian religion has the Bible.

    Because Islam diverged from Christianity’s beliefs, there are also some notable differences between the two. For example, how each religion is expected to pray. Muslims pray alone and in the congregation. When congregational prayer is executed, there are many rules and strict adherence to which they abide. They must pray this way a certain number of times each day and face in a certain cardinal direction. For Christians, the prayer which is done alone is informal and at one’s discretion, as it is for the Islamic religion. However, congregational prayer for Christians is much less rigorous and strict and can be done in several acceptable ways.

    Muslims are also expected to take a journey, called a pilgrimage, to their Holy Land whereas, this is not expected of Christians. Another notable difference is how money is given to the church. In earlier days, and some cases modern days, Muslim giving was in the form of a tax that was mandated. Christians give in the form of a tithe and are asked to give ten percent of their income. A very large and widely disputed part of these religions is the interpretation of the Bible. Some events that are disputed include which son Abraham sacrificed, the Virgin Birth and nature of Jesus, and the interpretation of monotheism and the Trinity.

    Islam and Christianity are religions based on many similar and different beliefs based on the fact that one was borne of the other. For this reason, we can pick up on several things that ring true in each religion and several things that are completely different between the two of them. Aside from the similarities and differences, each of these religions is still recognized in today’s society even though they are both centuries old.

    Similarities and Differences Between Islam vs Christianity;

    Even though there are many similarities and differences between Islam and Christianity, both religions are significant in today’s society, which is apparent in the grand number of followers each has amassed. Islam and Christianity are in themselves, complete religions with many followers. Islam was born of Christianity in that a large part of Islam’s basic belief structure is based on that of Christianity and some portions of the Bible. Because of this fact, there are several similarities and a comparative number of differences between Islam and Christianity essay the two religions.

    The beginnings of Islam are deeply rooted in Christianity, based on the conviction by the prophet of Islam, Mohammed that Christians had departed from belief in God’s message as revealed in their scriptures. In approximately 610, the first of many revelations came to him and these visions were believed to have been delivered from God by the angel Gabriel. Here we begin to see the similarities between the two religions as Gabriel is also the angel that brings news of Jesus’ birth in Luke 1:26-32, of the Bible.

    The message that Mohammed received was that there was only one God, not many gods as the then present-day Arabs believed. This God was the creator of the world. For Christians the message of a single God was given during the inception of the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:3 of the Bible, “You shall have no other God before me.” The creation of the world by this singular God is documented in Genesis 1:1. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” In the Islamic faith, it is believed that this God would judge mankind, which also rings true in Christianity in Hebrews 10:30, “The Lord will judge his people.”

    For Muslims, followers of the Islamic faith, their single God (known as Allah) was considered just because he would judge every person according to his deeds. In both religions, the result of this judgment day was either heaven or hell. Other differences between Islam and Christianity essay both were the idea of forgiveness. Islam teaches that God is always ready to pardon the individual and restore him to the sinless state in which he started life. In Christianity, this same basic concept of forgiveness is accepted.

    After the death of Mohammed, certain essential principles were singled out from his teachings to serve as anchoring points for the Islamic community. These have come to be called the “five pillars of Islam”. Comparably for Christians, the Ten Commandments are considered daily, divine laws. Also, each of these religions has a “book” that believers follow. For Christians, this is the Bible, which was recorded by prophets and disciples of Jesus including Abraham, Moses, Elijah, and many others.

    The Bible is, for the most part, ordered chronologically and Jesus teaches in parables. Likewise, for Muslims, their book is the Koran, which was a collection of the sayings and deeds of Mohammad, who was believed to be inspired to teach these things by Allah. However, because the Koran was assembled from remembrances of those who had learned it by heart, the chronological order is not used. The passages or suras were arranged from longest to shortest. In the beginning, for both religions, these teachings were passed along orally but were later captured via the written word.

    These books serve as an additional guide for believers and stress the one idea of one God. Despite the many similarities and differences between the islam and christianity essays exist as well. One of these differences is prayer. Islam recognizes two forms of prayer, one being the personal and more informal form of prayer. The other is a ritual prayer which is often congregational with specific words and postures, to be offered five times a day: sunrise, midday, midafternoon, sunset, and before bed. Before Muslims pray ablutions are performed by washing the hands, feet, and face.

    A person called the muezzin calls for prayer and chants from a raised platform or minaret tower at the mosque. This prayer is started with the imam, the prayer leader, standing at the front of the mosque facing Mecca, the holy city of Islam. This is the holy city because it was the death place of Mohammad. Each prayer consists of several units, during which the individual is standing, kneeling, or prostrate. At every change in posture, “God is great” is recited. The chief day of communal worship is Friday and believers gather at the mosque to pray, listen to portions of the Koran, and hear a sermon based on the text.

    The sermon may have moral, social, or political content. Islam has no ordained clergy, but there are men trained specifically in religion, tradition, and law. For Christians, prayer is done alone as well as in a congregation like Islam, but the rigors are far less painstaking. Prayer alone is done at one’s discretion but traditionally is done at night or in the morning. Congregational prayer is usually headed by the preacher, priest, or another prominent member of the church. The congregation is usually seated in pews, but this can be done standing as well.

    Christians have clergy that has been trained in theology and matters of religion and possess a degree from a seminary. The chief days of the gathering are Sundays, and believers pray, sing, listen to sermons, and read from the Bible during their communal gathering. As you can see, this is quite different from the Islamic religion. Another large difference between the two religions is the pilgrimage. For Muslims, the pilgrimage, or hajj, is an annual Muslim rite that every believer is expected to take part in at least once in his lifetime.

    From the seventh to the tenth day of Dhu al-Hijjah, the last month of the Islamic calendar, thousands of Muslims converge in the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia to visit the holy shrine of the Kaaba in the Great Mosque, which tradition says was built by Abraham. The pilgrimage was intended to reenact the hegira, the flight of Mohammad from Mecca to Medina in 622. Christians do not have such a pilgrimage but many do visit the birthplace of Jesus, the city of Jerusalem, and consider it an honor to do so.

    Fasting and the giving of money are two more distinct differences between the two religions. Because the Koran was first revealed to Mohammad in the month of Ramadan, the whole month was set aside as a period of fasting. During each day, from first light to darkness, all eating, drinking, and smoking are forbidden. Upon the end of the fasting period, the second major festival of the Islamic year ensues and lasts several days. In contrast, Christians have the Lenten period, where Jesus was sent to the desert for forty days and forty nights and was tempted by the devil.

    During this time, Christians usually give up something of importance, and although some fasting does happen, it is generally not as long as in the Islamic religion. The end of these forty days is known as Ash Wednesday, which begins the holiest point on the Christian calendar (Good Friday and Easter). Also, the giving of money is somewhat different. For Muslims, the zakat is an obligatory tax, which is contributed to by the state or community. In the modern period, the zakat has become a voluntary charitable contribution.

    For Christians, this is known as a tithe. Believers are expected to contribute ten percent of their salary to the church for God’s purposes. Also, some of the differences between Islam and Christianity are discerned in the holy books of the Bible and the Koran. One such example is the sacrifice of Abraham. This event is interpreted very differently in both religions. Both books acknowledge that Abraham was willing to make a “tremendous sacrifice”. However, the difference between the interpretations lies in the name of Abraham’s son.

    For example, the bible says, “By faith, Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was ready to offer up his only son”. With this, the Bible affirms that it was indeed Isaac who was offered up as the sacrifice. In Koran, however, Ishmael is the one who is purportedly offered up for sacrifice as Abraham’s only son. Another incident that is disputed between the two religions is the Virgin Birth and the Nature of Jesus. The Koran does support the virgin birth of Christ but does not support the notion that Christ was resurrected.

    The Koran suggests instead that the Virgin Mary gave birth to a prophet, who was free from innate sin because he was a virgin-born. The Bible then supports the notion that the virgin birth existed, and the Virgin Mary gave birth to the son of God, “In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him”.

    Islam states that Christ is not divine, it rejects this ideal and is seen in the Koran, “The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was no more than Allah’s Apostle and His Word which He cast to Mary; a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His apostles and do not say: Three. Allah is but one God”. Jesus in the Bible, however, is believed to be “God manifest in the flesh”. This leads to the Trinity of the Christian faith.

    Islam is monotheistic, stating, “For God hath said, ‘Take not to yourselves two Gods, for He is one God”. Christianity is also monotheistic, but God is made up of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; otherwise known as the “Trinity”. Christianity says, “The Spirit the Lord Him”, which refers to the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and God. Islam does not support this idea and the Koran argues that Christianity supports the notion of polytheism by stating that the Godhead represents three different Gods, not one.

    In conclusion;

    Similarities and Differences Between Islam and Christianity Essay; they are two intricately woven religions that have some basic framework in common, but their beliefs diverge as well. For example, some of the similarities shared between the two are the angel Gabriel as a deliverer of important news, monotheism, God as the creator of the world, and judgment by God after death. Most of the differences seem to stem from Jesus’ role as a savior.

    For example, Muslims do not believe that Jesus was anything more than a prophet and therefore, the Trinity can not exist. Also, there are some deviations in similar stories that are related to each religion, like that of Abraham and his sacrificial son. Despite these differences and similarities, we can agree that Christianity and Islam are both significant players in the world of religion and today’s society.

    Similarities and Differences Between Islam and Christianity Essay Image
    Similarities and Differences Between Islam and Christianity Essay; Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay.
  • Effects of Minimum Wage on Employment in 1700 Words

    Effects of Minimum Wage on Employment in 1700 Words

    Economic effects of minimum wage; Does a binding minimum wage make unemployment? Some unemployed workers would gladly con for a lower wage but cannot investigate a job, and some employers would be glad to employ workers at a deflated wage but the act forbids it. Thus, in a competitive labor sustain, a binding minimum wage reduces employment and creates involuntary unemployment.

    Here are the articles to answer, the Effects of Minimum Wage on Employment in 1700 Words!

    Then, make a obtain of binding minimum wages cause structural unemployment? frictional unemployment. Unemployment that results in the look of there are more people seeking jobs in a labor promotion than there are jobs available at the current wage rate is called: A critical minimum wage is likely to cause: structural unemployment.

    Subsequently, ask is, what is a binding minimum wage? A minimum wage is a price floor implemented by the dealing out, which ensures that an employer must pay a minimum rate of pay to an employee, and all lower than this rate of pay is illegal. A minimum wage is binding if it is set above the equilibrium wage.

    Simply thus, what happens to unemployment in front of minimum wage goes taking place? But according to leading economists including famed billionaire investor Warren Buffettminimum wages can lift unemployment by giving employers less incentive to employ and more incentive to automate and outsource tasks that were in the back performed by low-wage employees. What are the doubts about the Features of Management?

    Introduction – Economic effects of minimum wage;

    A binding minimum wage leads to numerous detrimental effects in a competitive labor market. This essay will highlight what these effects are, and what the outcome of these effects will bring to the labor market.

    A labor market is defined by Parkin as a market where;

    “Employers are on the demand side and workers are on the supply side. Firms decide how much labor to demand, and the lower the wage rate, the greater is the quantity demanded”.

    It is said to be competitive when there is a surplus of workers that are seeking a job, with few employers willing to hire.

    A minimum wage is a price floor implemented by the government, which ensures that an employer must pay a minimum rate of pay to an employee, and anything lower than this rate of pay is illegal. “A minimum wage is binding if it is set above the equilibrium wage”. “With a binding minimum, wage adjustments are blocked and the market is prevented from allocating labor resources”.

    What are the effects of minimum wage more or less speaking employment?

    A large body of evidence although not all of it confirms that minimum wages shorten employment in the company of low-wage, low-power workers. Second, minimum wages complete a bad job of targeting poor and low-allowance families. Minimum wage laws mandate high wages for low-wage workers rather than cutting edge earnings for low-allowance families.

    In the Labour Market due to the minimum wage;

    In the labor market, there is said to be an equilibrium wage. This is where the demand and supply lines on the minimum wage graph intersect, as it is the point that the rate of pay is equivalent to that of the number of hours worked/required. A binding minimum wage in a competitive labor market means that this equilibrium point is offset as the rate of pay must rises. This can be shown using the following graph.

    About part (a) of Parkin’s graph previously, it is evident that the wage rate of €5 on the Y-axis is the equilibrium price, and 21 million hours per week is the equilibrium quantity on the X-axis. “The minimum wage is below the equilibrium wage rate and is not binding”.

    Where the rate of pay has increased, and all employees are being paid a higher wage, the hiring company cannot afford to hire as many employees as it will be too expensive, because not only do they have to pay wages for the skilled jobs, they also have to pay a higher wage than they would have intended for workers to perform the lower-skilled jobs. Therefore this means that there will be workers on the supply side who will not be able to get a job, thus the unemployment rate will rise. This can be shown in part (b) of the graph.

    About part (b), it can be seen that “the minimum wage is €6 an hour, which is above the equilibrium wage. The equilibrium wage is now illegal. At a minimum wage of €6 an hour, 20 million hours of labor are demanded and 22 million hours are supplied”. This difference that has been created due to the binding minimum wage creates a surplus of 2 million hours of work per week in the graph, which means that the unemployment rate now rising. This new minimum wage also means that unemployed workers are willing to supply the 20 millionth hour.

    The inefficiency of the Labour market due to the minimum wage;

    The minimum wage is not efficient, as Parkin states it “results in unemployment – wasted labor resources – and an inefficient amount of job search”. When looking at the effects of minimum wage graph, a deadweight loss is present. This occurs because of a decrease in both the worker’s surplus and the company’s surplus. This is seen in the following graph.

    Also seen in this inefficiency graph is a potential loss from the job search. This loss is said to arise “because someone who finds a job earns €6 an hour but would have been willing to work for €4”. This inefficiency affects the labor market as it means there is a deadweight loss of 1 million hours of work per year.

    What might soften my interpretation?

    The use of a minimum wage brings numerous detrimental effects to people. When looking at the outcomes of a minimum wage, “it delivers an unfair result and imposes unfair rules (Parkin, et al., 2008)”. Parkin also states that this is unfair because only those who can find a job benefit, whereas the unemployed end up worse off than with no minimum wage.

    Competitive and Noncompetitive Labor Markets;

    The effects of minimum wage depend, in part, on the order of whether the labor calm is competitive or not, in which accomplishment employers exert significant decree greater than wage decisions. We evaluate the employment effects of the minimum wage out cold two extreme assumptions: In the first conflict, there are a lot of employers competing to attract workers; in the second, there is a single employer. These extremes assign us two benchmarks from which we can discuss specific situations and markets.

    Perfectly competitive labor exposure is a composite of many firms that compete for workers. Firms have no carrying out to set wages; the minister to determines a competitive wage. If an unmodified deviates from this wage, it either pays less and loses workers or pays more, sustains losses, and exits the publicize.

    At the added extreme is a labor assignment that is a growth of little local markets. In each local abet, some firms are in a dominant hiring point of view. In such an employer-dominated tune, a major employer has the facility to set a wage unilaterally without the distress of competition.

    In both extremes, there are large numbers of potential workers, each of whom has a wage asleep which he will not operate (his reservation wage). As the push wage increases, more and more people become suitable to take outfits. The connection together surrounded by the shout from the rooftops wage and the number of workers who sore to play in for that amount is called the labor supply; it is represented by the upward-on a sloping curve.

    Workers Job-Search Effort;

    Economic effects of minimum wage; Let’s enrich our fable of the labor aerate now by assuming that workers can pick the depth once which they search for a job how much become antique they spend looking for a job, how many application letters they send out, and appropriately considering mention.

    Under these conditions, an early-thinking wage exerts two opposing effects: It raises the payoff following workers locating a job, which motivates them to see harder. At the same mature, it weakens firms’ incentives to make jobs, making workers less likely to succeed and consequently dampening their search efforts. The net effect depends upon where the wage stood in the future of the calculation together. To see this, evaluate two extreme cases where wages initially are either high or low, depending upon the extent of workers’ bargaining skills.

    First, suppose that workers have no bargaining facility, firms late accretion wages unilaterally, and workers search until they locate enough wage pay. Since employers invade every one surplus from their association in the by now labor, unemployed people have tiny incentive to search actively for a job; the result is high unemployment. Next, find the appendage extreme, where workers have all the bargaining realization to set wages. Firms make no profit from hiring more workers. Because initiation and advertising vacancies are expensive, firms get not realize consequently, and unemployment is tall.

    This means that in markets that tend to be dominated by employers or equivalently, in markets where workers’ bargaining facility is not too tall, a compulsory addition in the wage can benefit future search extremity and difficult employment. If the server wage is low, a binding minimum wage can create employment more to your liking to workers, which strengthens their search efforts and so reduces unemployment. If the abet wage is high, a binding minimum wage might discourage workers from looking for a job because there are fewer vacancies.

    The search models results are consistent as soon as the monopsony model: A minimum wage can, in theory, shorten unemployment.

    Social effects of minimum wage; One can perform that workers’ search efforts and social welfare concerns together. The wage that maximizes one afterward maximizes the auxiliary. Because of that fact, if the atmosphere wage is little sufficient, a minimum wage improves labor reveal conditions and increases social welfare. Another appealing consequence of this model is that the minimum level of unemployment occurs and the minister to wage is below the one that maximizes workers’ search effort. This means that a minimum wage can create workers who improved though it increases unemployment.

    Effects of Minimum Wage on Employment in 1700 Words Image
    Effects of Minimum Wage on Employment in 1700 Words; Image by Fehmi Murat KAYA from Pixabay.
  • Climate Change Essay for Students in 1100 Words

    Climate Change Essay for Students in 1100 Words

    Climate Change Essay; It is the gradual increase in the Earth’s average surface temperature. It is caused by the emission of gases and particles into the atmosphere, and by the absorption of energy from the sun. The Earth’s climate has always been changing, but the rate of change has increased in recent decades.

    Here are the articles to answer, in 1100 Words explain the Climate Change Essay for Students!

    The Earth’s climate is determined by the average temperature of the atmosphere and the oceans. The atmosphere contains about 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen, and these gases trap energy from the sun. The oceans are a huge reservoir of heat, and they can slow or speed up the warming of the atmosphere.

    Introduction to climate change essay and its effects.

    Climate change in the world can be caused by various activities. When climate change occurs; temperatures can increase dramatically. When the temperature rises, many different changes can occur on Earth. For example, it can result in more floods, droughts, or heavy rain, as well as more frequent and severe heat waves. Oceans and glaciers have also experienced some changes: oceans are warming and becoming more acidic, glaciers are melting, and sea levels are rising. As these changes frequently occur in future decades, they will likely present challenges to our society and environment.

    During the past century, human activities have released large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Most of the gases come from burning fossil fuels to produce energy. Greenhouse gases are like a blanket around the Earth, trapping energy in the atmosphere and causing it to warm. This is called the greenhouse effect and it is natural and necessary to support life on earth. However, while greenhouse gases build-up, the climate change essay and result in dangerous effects on human health and ecosystems.

    People have adapted to the stable climate we have enjoyed since the last ice age which ended several thousand years ago. A warmer climate can bring changes that can affect our water supplies, agriculture, power and transportation systems, the natural environment, and even our health and safety. Some climate changes are unavoidable, and nothing can be done about them. For example, carbon dioxide can stay in the atmosphere for nearly a century, so Earth will continue to warm in the future. What are the doubts about Cobots in Manufacturing?

    Solutions to climate change.

    Global warming has taken effect in the world over the last century. It is the unusually rapid increase in the Earth’s average surface temperature over the past century primarily due to the greenhouse gases released as people burn fossil fuels. Global warming is due to the enhancing greenhouse gases emission and build-up in the Earth’s environment. The gases that influence the atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, dinitrogen-oxide, and methane. Almost 30 percent of incoming sunlight is reflected into space by bright surfaces like clouds and ice.

    In the other 70 percent, most are absorbed by the land and ocean, and the rest is absorbed by the atmosphere. The absorbed solar energy heats our planet. This absorption and radiation of heat by the atmosphere are beneficial for life on Earth. Today, the atmosphere contains more greenhouse gas molecules, so more of the infrared energy emitted by the surface is absorbed by the atmosphere. By increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases, we are making Earth’s atmosphere a more efficient greenhouse.

    Climate has cooled and warmed throughout the Earth’s history for various reasons. Rapid warming like we see today is unusual in the history of our planet. Some of the factors that affect climates, like volcanic eruptions and changes in the amount of solar energy, are natural. Climate can change if there is a change in the amount of solar energy that gets to the Earth. Volcano eruptions can affect climate because it spews out more than just lava and ash when erupts. Volcanoes release tiny particles made of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere.

    The scientific consensus on climate change.

    These particles get into the stratosphere and reflect solar radiation out to space. Snow and ice also have a significant effect on climate. When snow and ice melt Earth’s climate warms, less energy is reflected and this causes even more warming. There are many different ways that plants, animals, and other life on our planet can affect climate. Some can produce greenhouse gases that trap heat and aid global warming through the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide is taken out of the atmosphere by plants as they make their food by photosynthesis. During the night, plants release some carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere.

    Methane is made while farm animals, such as cattle and sheep digest their food. Cars and trucks can affect climate by releasing carbon dioxide when fossil fuels are burned to power them. When wildfires occur, carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. However, if a forest of similar size grows again, about the same amount of carbon that was added to the atmosphere during the fire will be removed. Some effects that scientists have predicted in the past would result when the global change was occurring: loss of sea ice accelerated sea-level rise and more intense heat waves.

    Scientists have confidence that global temperatures will continue to rise for decades to come, largely due to greenhouse gases produced by human activities. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) stated that the extent of climate change essay effects on individual regions will vary over time and with the ability of different societal and environmental systems to mitigate or adapt to change. This has been the warmest decade since 1880.

    According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 2010 and 2005 have been the warmest years on record. The earth could warm by an additional 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit during the 21st century if we fail to reduce emissions from burning fossil fuels. The rising temperature will have significant effects on the earth’s climate patterns and all living things. Industrial activities that our modern civilization depends upon have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide from 280 parts per million to 379 parts per million in the last 150 years.

    In conclusion;

    We need to take part and try to stop global warming and other effects of climate change essay. If the earth’s temperatures continue to rise in the future, living things on earth will become extinct due to the high temperatures. If humans contribute to controlling global warming, this world would be cooler and the high temperatures we currently have would decrease. If everybody as one takes a stand and tries to end most of the climate changes that are occurring, this world would be a safer place to live in.

    Climate Change Essay for Students in 1100 Words Image
    Climate Change Essay for Students in 1100 Words; Image by Catazul from Pixabay.
  • 5-5 doubts about Virtual Reality Pros and Cons

    5-5 doubts about Virtual Reality Pros and Cons

    What are the 5-5 doubts about Virtual Reality Pros and Cons? The technology of virtual reality was popping up to the public in recent years; it promotes rapidly and gradually permeates people’s lives. Virtual reality is a technology that can imitate reality. When people put the VR glasses on, they can be placed in any scenes that seem real. What is the definition of Management in business? The high realistic scenes bring magic energy to humans; it gives humans the ability to move freely between the warp and weft of time and space. Virtual reality involves a vast number of fields such as games, movies, medicine, design, military training, geography, and education.

    Here are the articles to answer, What are the 5-5 doubts about Virtual Reality Pros and Cons?

    Virtual reality is more closely related to daily lives; some of the moral issues and situations are being considered. Virtual reality is a false appearance; it might make people rely on the virtual world to escape from life and more reluctant to believe and accept the fact. The virtual world and the real world have a relationship of sometimes-complex mix-and-match; they influenced each other and mutually penetrate. Thereby, visual reality profoundly impacts and changed human life. That significant change in life is difficult to be distinguished between right and wrong.

    There is an argument between “virtual reality can be developed technically” or “humans need to keep away from the virtual world consciously”. The virtual world becomes an irresistible trend in the world; virtual reality has enriched the choices and the possibilities of life. For the fields of art, medicine, and military training, virtual reality provides miraculous help. If accepting and develop virtual reality, human civilization will enter a brand-new age. Virtual reality creates a virtual world in three dimensions by using the computer simulation; it provides the simulative sense of auditory sense, visual sense, and tactile sense.

    Essay Part 01;

    “VR isn’t a single technology, of course, it describes forms of 360-degree video as well as computer-generated environments”. Do you understand the Virtual Teams Leadership skills? Virtual reality has different meanings for different groups of people; anything that is not real but feels like it can be called virtual reality. Thus, many electronic or social media can also be branches of virtual reality. Social networks and social media can be the soft infrastructure in creative cities that enables individuals and institutions to interact effectively to promote creative industries.

    Virtual reality can create enormous benefits for a creative city. The potential of the market and the trends of the future development of virtual reality make the whole world and advanced technology companies attach importance to VR products. Facebook bought Oculus VR for $2 billion in 2014, and Google, HTC, HP, Samsung, Sony, and Microsoft are all developing VR devices. Whether the contribution of virtual reality in the cities or the applications in any other aspects, Virtual reality is worth to be developed and being applied in daily life.

    Essay Part 02;

    Virtual reality is a symbol of aesthetics; the art form no longer is restricted to two dimensions. Although the screen does not disappear, the virtual reality brings illusions to the customers; it is a feeling of being personally on the scene. The Blurring of Boundaries between the Professional and Nonprofessional Artist. All the individuals are creating their content. “Arts organizations need to catch up!”.

    Diverse art forms can be made through virtual reality. Virtual reality provides a platform for new art forms; for example, virtual reality can be used in interior design and documentary films. Virtual reality is more than just a presentation medium, but it is a design tool. It reflects the thoughts of designers in a visual form; for example, before the interior designer decorates a house, the first thing the decorators need to do is to think about the structure and shape of the house carefully.

    To quantify it, a huge amount of drawings sheets are used. However, those drawings sheets can only be understood by insiders; virtual reality can turn the ideas into a visible virtual object and environment so that the traditional design model can be upgraded to the digital design; it is greatly improving the planning quality and efficiency of the design. Virtual reality also provides opportunities for documentary films in the art field.

    Essay Part 03;

    The documentary is based on real-life as creative material. The real people and real events are the performance objects, and then the event is embellished and displayed by art forms. Show the essence of reality, and using the real form of film or television art can stimulate people to think. The core of the documentary is true. The technology of virtual reality restores the reality to the greatest extent compared to other presentation methods, and it directly pulls the viewer into the real scene.

    The previous documentary shows the truth, but the VR documentary brings more real feelings. The viewers are no longer recipients of “real,” they are becoming “real” participants. The traditional documentary is guided by the director to feel the truth, while the VR documentary is in which audiences participate in the fact and discover the truth.

    VR documentary is more attractive; it is a creation of a ‘subjective mode of wandering: observing detail, being open to what appears, being curious about what’s up the hill, or around the corner’. The power of virtual reality cannot be underestimated in the art field. The application of VR in medicine has vital practical significance. In medical colleges, students can perform the process of anatomy and various surgical exercises in a virtual laboratory. The training costs are significantly reduced because the experiment actions are no longer subject to restrictions on specimens and venues.

    Essay Part 04;

    Some virtual reality systems for medical training, internships, and research have a very high degree of simulation, and their superiority and effects are immeasurable and incomparable. For example, an eye surgery simulator creates a three-dimensional image based on the eye structure of the human eyes with real-time tactile feedback. Students and interns can use the VR simulator to observe and try the whole process of eye surgery. Anesthesia virtual reality systems and oral surgery simulators can also be created by virtual reality.

    Virtual reality does not only apply to medical training, but it also helps patients reduce pain. During the treatment of oncological problems, the patients often have to experience painful procedures. The immersive VR can block the noise and sights from outside of the virtual world; virtual reality creates a new scene that can completely separate patients from the surgery scene.

    Blocking the information from the real sight makes patients Because humans have finite attentional resources, a distraction task that consumes some portion of those resources is believed to leave less cognitive capacity available for processing pain. Virtual reality has a similar function to the anesthetic, and it causes less damage to the brain. The contribution of virtual reality to the medical field is unimaginable. Virtual reality technology has played an increasingly essential role in the military field in recent years. Virtual reality provides a different environment from the battlefield.

    Essay Part 05;

    The three dimensions graphics generation system not only can generate a realistic and large-scale virtual terrain environment, but it also simulates various flight conditions such as fog, rain, and snowstorm in different natural environments, and its 3D sound synthesis system can also synthesize realistic 3D space sounds such as shooting and the launching trajectory of missiles. Soldiers can adapt to different situations and respond to emergencies at any time in the VR military training.

    Virtual reality battlefield simulators can give soldiers effective training, reduces the number of casualties in the realistic battleground, and minimizes the cost of training. Virtual reality can also become a simulator for flying helicopters, parachuting, and scuba diving. The simulator of those extreme sports can fill soldiers’ psychological anticipation; soldiers can gradually move into the real extreme sports training.

    It reduces the emergency and risks from extreme sports. Virtual reality is also used to treat physical illness and mental disorders in the battleground. Soldiers suffering from battlefield trauma and other psychological conditions can learn how to deal with their symptoms in a ‘safe’ environment. In the military field, virtual reality protects soldiers’ safety, and it reduces the economic losses of a country.

    Essay Part 06;

    Many people still think there are many negative influences of virtual reality since it might make people stuck in the illusions. The virtual world is full of pitfalls; some of the users of virtual reality products might escape from real life and gradually move to the edge of the real world. Those concerns are not unreasonable since Potential problems may arise as technology evolves and deepens.

    Human realizes both perspectives of positive and negative impacts of virtual reality in real life; to accept the development of virtual reality but keep a proper distance from it is the best way to find the balance. To sum up, virtual reality can be useful in many fields such as art, medicine, and the military. Virtual reality creates convenience and high technology for human life, and it contributes to a creative city.

    Creative cities have an overwhelming impact on the economies of countries. Virtual reality has a huge potential impact on the soft power of countries. Virtual originated from life, it is the demand of reality and also a part of reality. Accepting and developing virtual reality in the right way; embracing the charm and sense of future that is brought by technology and virtual reality. What are the Virtual Reality Pros and Cons for business?

    Advantages or Pros of Virtual Reality;

    This technology does come with several benefits, and several areas have been positively affected by the implementation of this technology. Some of the positive impacts of VR are listed below:

    More Than Real;

    Virtual reality, in comparison, offers far better visuals that give the user a feeling of being in a different world while playing games, watching the scenery, etc. Playing games using the VR controller gives the user the impression of actually being inside the game experiencing every move as if it were real with all those visual and sound effects along with countless other sensations.

    Safe Practice / Simulation;

    Among countless other astounding benefits of VR technology, one can say that the opportunity to conduct training and practice by simulating potentially dangerous real-world operations like surgery, combat, flight, etc., would simply be the best practical advantage of this technology. One can easily learn to perform operations, fly a plane, and many more without risking their’ and/or others’ lives.


    Planning a vacation can be tiring work, and if the planned location doesn’t work out as hoped, it is bound to worsen one’s mood. But with VR technology one can simply get a detailed and sharp view of any tourist location and decide if the trip is worth their time and effort.


    Virtual reality comes in very handy in our day-to-day activities such as shopping. Suppose you’re shopping for interior design for your house. However, just looking at the designs doesn’t make it simpler to decide on a perfect match and thus a confusing situation arises. Such confusion can easily be handled by using virtual reality to put together the designs and the interior of your house for a well-versed decision.

    Increased Learning Possibilities;

    Using VR technology, doctors can understand any medicine’s new qualities and determine its side effects, giving them a clear idea of the outcome. Fields such as content writing and editing can also benefit from VR technology by easing detection faults through certain software arrangements.

    Disadvantages or Cons of Virtual Reality;

    Regardless of the numerous merits offered by VR technology, there are still some cons that need to be acknowledged when considering this type of technology. The to-be considered cons are listed below.


    Unlike real-world systems, virtual reality doesn’t offer flexibility in making changes to the pre-set program sequence. Say someone is in the classroom and wants to raise some questions, in the real world they are free to do so as well as to make suggestions, but in the virtual world such isn’t feasible.


    Anyone can become obsessed with anything if they get involved with it for a longer period. This is especially the case when something as astounding as virtual reality is taken into account. Many tend to like games that allow violence and other illegal activities, but if that turns into addiction they will likely commit the crime in the real world.


    Regardless of the fun and amazing experience provided by VR technology, not everyone is capable of affording the same tech as it does not come cheap. Irrespective of the decrement in its price over the years, this technology still hasn’t been cheap enough to be affordable to most populations.


    After spending significant amounts of time in the virtual world, they become addicted to it and tend to enjoy it more there than in the real world. Thus, they spend more time with their friends in the virtual world like in games. This eventually leads them to become isolated from the real world.


    One can always train to either perform surgery or fly a plane, using VR technology to an extent. But training in the virtual world and real world are entirely different things. They might not be able to give their best when exposed to the real world because any action they take will have real consequences.

    Reference – It is Retrieved from;

    1. https://www.ukessays.com/essays/technology/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-virtual-reality.php?vref=1
    2. https://honestproscons.com/pros-and-cons-of-virtual-reality/
    5-5 doubts about Virtual Reality Pros and Cons Image
    5-5 doubts about Virtual Reality Pros and Cons; Image by Eugene Capon from Pixabay.